Liliana Ramirez

Medellin, Colombia

LuzAngela! To me, Luza has meant love… Always, every word that she has spoken to me has only been love. That familiar love that comes within the blood, that neither know distance nor time. I thought I knew her, but what a surprise! all that love never recognized before, not so profoundly, not of her Soul.
It was only until a few months ago that I received a call from her, asking for my help in a project. She was surprised by my positive response to her request. She was happy!
I remember that every time I asked her questions in regards to the project, she only answered (oh, I haven’t thought of that, but I am going to consult about it). And then, it arrived the day of her visit to Colombia, when all the events started, it was then when I saw her in action. In the middle of all her fears and nervousness, there she was, just being herself, expressing love, tranquility, that sensitivity that only beings with such a big heart can have, that ability to listen, to touch the Soul through her experience, her life, from the bottom, from a place of lack of self-recognition, and from a process of having to find herself, and learning to love herself.

She has always been a beautiful being with me, but seeing her there, talking about consciousness, noticing in her eyes an incomparable peace; that filled me with questions about where was the woman that she was before? So haughty, well educated, the daughter of a woman who was a warrior in life, who taught her what life meant to her and that which she ought to reach for.
She was born in a country of limited opportunities, but she had an impressive desire to become big, and she had achieved it. We all thought so, as she was able to leave the country, quickly learned another language as her own, professionally accepted and recognized with excellent connections. What had happened to her? Only that night, after her first public appearance, I knew her…That being was now been guided by her intuition, by the love for life, for our Mother Earth, for each and every living being that belongs to the Planet. That love reflected to herself.
When she began to tell me her story and what she is doing now, all the guidance she receives, (it was then when I found out that she was consulting with her Guides, her Angels). All of that made me feel baffled, but I loved it. I adored being part of what she was bringing, and slowly for me, a narrow-minded human being, product of my environment, education and profession, it wasn’t easy for me to receive.
I remember that night of our first event, when I got home so tired, with so many questions, but happy, and so peaceful. And everyday, it is even more gratifying helping her, seeing how she flourishes, seeing all her surroundings so magical, seeing how she helps from her heart, calming, guiding. Knowing about that beautiful project of awakening consciousness that she brings with her, makes me feel in-love even more with it, to which I didn’t doubt, not even for a second, to say “Yes” when the phone rang and it was her asking me, “Do you want to help me?”
Therefore, that’s LuzAngela to me. Just like the meaning of her birth name, she is a being of Light that is here to help. And that I have seen her doing through listening and speaking.

Sometimes I could believe that everything in my life was well, but deep inside of me I felt that it wasn’t true. Something was missing, and that was listening to my heart, feeling more. But, how can one listen to the heart? It isn’t easy when your mind is so loud and is always there sending you tons of ideas that confuse you even more. Right in a moment like that and for some reason, comes LuzAngela sharing her knowledge and life experience at two wonderful events that I attended, one in group that was a kind of renewal, a great beginning to take on the path that I had started, and to find the answer to my question. And a second meeting much more intimate in which I found out that through love, surrender, and especially, through believing that a change is possible, I can expand my Soul and help all the people that I love and that are important to me, always by the assistance of God and His Angels.
To you LuzAngela, many thanks, and I hope to meet with you again.

Alexandra Castaño Saldarriaga


Brenda Grenfell


LuzAngela is a warm, understanding and very intuitive person in her approach to being of service to her clients. Through our sessions she has provided me with guidance and the tools that have made it possible for me to be open to all the possibilities that life has to offer. Thanks to her I have made positive changes that have improved my personal life. I have found my soulmate, I have improved my health, energy and well being. I am grateful to LuzAngela for her continued support.

I have been feeling for a while that I have to do something for my soul, it is like a calling to awaken my consciousness. However, sometimes I feel lost and confused. There are many theories about the New Era, and since I grew up and have always been in the Catholic religion, many say that it isn’t something good. However, someone said to me once, that to be good persons we don’t need to belong to any religion in particular. Those words simply got engraved in my interior. Ever since, I try to take the best of each religion or philosophy of life, and integrate it into my life as long as it makes me happy and doesn’t cause damage to anyone or anything.
One time, one of my best friends invited me to a seminar that LuzAngela was going to facilitate. It got my attention, and decided to attend since it was feasible for me and I wanted to keep looking for something that would help me continue with what I had already started: awakening my consciousness. It was a marvelous experience because I learned so many new things and other ones that got reaffirmed. With LuzAngela, I learned about the rituals of healing the water, taking advantage of the lunar phases to ask and to give thanks, about the energy of crystals, and much more.
Later during a personalized consultation to the Angels, I received many answers that I needed and learned for first time about the Akashic Records, it was something amazing.
I have had the opportunity to meet with LuzAngela only twice, but each time has been an unique experience which I would like to repeat as much as possible because what she shares is peace, love, and great confidence, and to help me step by step to improve all the aspects of my personal life, to continue with my mission, and to keep finding in the path of this human life people like her.

Elizabeth Fernandez Villa


Magda Sáenz

Los Angeles, California

To me, LuzAngela is a wonderful person from whom one can learn a lot. She is a great spiritual guide, she knows how to listen, and through her words she has helped me organize my thoughts and move forward.
When I met LuzAngela in person, I felt as if I had known her all my life. That Light and trust she transmits are unique. Her help greatly influenced my awakening and has helped me in life.
Thank you LuzAngela for being part of my life.

Luz Marleny Giraldo

Medellín, Colombia

The experience in the spiritual field, in the awakening of consciousness was amazing, it was a process of finding an aspect of me that I did not know it existed. Finding myself after so many times searching out there that which has always been within me. That search of everyone for everything without true meaning, but when those Angels come into our lives guiding us and showing us where we are and why we are here, we learn about the beauty of this journey that we chose to live.
My experience with the Angels through LuzAngela was wonderful. It was a realization that through that beautiful being that LuzAngela is, there are also others like her, which we don’t easily see but that are there to help us, sustain us, and guide us through their messages.
I share my infinite gratitude from the Light being that resides within me.

Julia Lanski

Kundalini Yoga and Meditation Teacher

What an amazing experience!!! I’ll be back for more.
I had my Akashic reading done with LuzAngela twice already and it’s always been a mind blowing experience! She definitely has a Divine gift of accessing and transcribing the information. And it’s not like she just tells you what you need to do or what the future holds, but she definitely sees what’s the best for your soul evolution and then just shares all the messages from your spiritual guides and Angels. For me it was just very helpful at the moment when I needed a support to know I’m on the right path. And I received a confirmation that put me at peace. I almost couldn’t believe when she described in details my relationships and some others personal stuff. She also predicted what was gonna happen … and it did. Now writing this testimonial two months later I can certainly say that she is the real deal! And if you have the opportunity to experience her magical reading, please don’t even hesitate, just do it! You won’t regret it.